What John Davis calls his "good dream" will come true at eight o'clock tonight at the Forumit will happen when Davis. as captain. Teads his Les Q...
National Lacrosse League
Last year was a difficult one for Bill Bradley. He had retired as a lacrosse player and taken over as coach of the Montreal Quebecois, but things...
By PAUL ATTNER Washington Post John McKenna is outgoing. "I talk a lot,” he says.Jerry McKenná is easy going. "He kind of floats along," says his...
By FRANK BILOVSKY :Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Some rambling reflections on the National Lacrosse League's first season in the wake of the Wing...
By NEIL PASCOE The night of Aug. 8th could have been classified as one of the most crucial for the Philadelphia Wings of the new National Lacross...
Toronto Tomahawks' policeman Jack Kastelein won't admit it, but he has a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality. On the lacrosse floor the six-foot, thr...