Under the Crosscheck mission of history and preserving the game, the following story falls under both categories …. Late May 1974:The Montreal Ca...
NLL 1974/ Montreal Quebecois In the first season of the league there were 54 games with 27 on the road. Media coverage was instrumental to promot...
Matthew 'Waies" was owner and founder of Etienne and Son Lacrosse Stick Manufacturer was famous for the quality hand made Lacrosse sticks he manu...
Team Members Back row L-R Gary Cooper, Jim Little, Stan Cox, Bill Nunn, Chris Hatton, Wayne Young Middle Row Bob English (coach), Bob Bolitho ,Pe...
The letter I received (below) confirmed a phone call from John Ferguson in 1974. His voice on the phone was clear and firm. I had been drafted 2n...
By ALLAN WOLFEMONTREAL — Dale MacKenzie has never enjoyed playing lacrosse like he has this year. He is in the National Lacrosse League, playing ...