Tomahawk Talk: In 12 playoff games last year Dave Wilfong (see page 11) scored 32 points including 17 goals ... Al Gordaneer scored 18 goals in ...
A home opener crowd of 9,000 in Boston witnessed the Tomahawk strategy of pulling the goalie in the dying seconds in favor of an extra attacker, ...
Morley Kells, the exhuherant, fiery coach of the Tomahawks is out to do it again. Win another NLL Championship. Probably the most progressive man...
By RON DUQUETTEIn our last issue, I introduced that remarkable robot, hidden somewhere deep in the bowels of Peterborough’s Memorial Center, whic...
What John Davis calls his "good dream" will come true at eight o'clock tonight at the Forumit will happen when Davis. as captain. Teads his Les Q...
Last year was a difficult one for Bill Bradley. He had retired as a lacrosse player and taken over as coach of the Montreal Quebecois, but things...