Dave Durante of Quebec being defended by Jim Quigg of the Bolts
by Maurice Dumas from the newspaper LE SOLEIL....7/10/1975
The Caribou have paid a heavy price for their inertia during the first game of their important game last night at the Boston Bolts. They saw their opponents inflicting a 18-13 loss to them in fifth place. teams from the National Lacrosse League.
Medo Martinello’s men stomped in the first five minutes of the first stint, and the Bolts took the lead to take a 5-1 lead. It was enough to guide the way to the invaluable triumph of the visitors.
“It’s true, this bad start hurt us terribly,” conceded a disappointed Medo Martinello after the setback.
On the other side of the Coliseum, Jim Logan, the new coach of the Bolts, saw things from a different angle. ” Of course. our quick goals in the first period have shaken the caribou. It was a collective effort and sustained for 60 minutes that allowed us to win, “he said savoring his first win since he succeeded Larry Ferguson.
Yvan Thompson. The undisputed star of the game with four goals and three assists gave all the credit for the victory of his team to the defensive brigade. “Ron Driscoll was fantastic in front of his cage, the defensive players have never played so well, and they have limited dangerous Dave Durante to just two goals, scoring six in Boston last Sunday.” , he explained.
Too humble to speak about himself Yvan Thompson. He looked like a giant in this Colosseum wrapped in a scorching and unbearable heat for the 1,731 spectators scattered here and there in the stands. “I think that this gain will give us a new impetus to eventually lead us to a participation in the playoffs,” he said.
Chuck Li. John Allen. Duffy McCarthy and Brian Davidson also shone for the winners with two goals each Dave Durante, Brian Evans. John McDonald. Bruce Murdock and Murray Cawker performed a similar feat in the Caribou camp.
Medo Martinello almost gave absolution to his players after the defeat to blame a title that had a headline on the Caribou published in yesterday’s edition of the newspaper LE SOLEIL.
“The players read the newspaper on the plane that was bringing the team back to Quebec yesterday afternoon. Their morale took a hard blow,” he said when I entered his office.
After identifying him to make him understand that I was an employee of the newspaper LE SOLEIL, he continued to grumble in these terms: “This is not the way you will encourage your lacrosse team, but we try to make every effort to give Quebec City a representative team. Moreover, ten of our players learn French in order to identify more with the environment in which they live. “