Lacrosse tries for the big time—as violent as ever but faster and with finesse. The Star Weekly’s Jack Batten was there to see them zap tha...
RIDLEY PARK RESIDENT IS TWO-SPORT STANDOUT By JOHN PLAISANT Daily Times Sports Writer THE BUS carrying the Philadelphia Flyers back to the Toront...
Crowd of 5,000 Hails New Seven-Man Indoor Game With Generous Acclaim THRILLING DISPLAY Maroon Take Four-Goal Lead in First Period, But Are Forced...
Meeting of Sponsors of Professional League to be Held Here Next Week TWO LOCAL TEAMS Toronto, Boston and New York Will Also Enter Squads—Matches ...
By DAVE CARTER of The Gazette Bruce Arena approached Les Quebecois coach and general manager Jim Bishop a few hours before the Montreal team was ...
Donner’s National Lacrosse League and the MILL are seeking to form ‘super’ indoor league BY STAFF WRITER SAL MAIORANA Steve Donner and his fellow...