Toronto Tomahawks are supposed to lack some of the superstars of lacrosse that the other teams have in their lineups. However, we believe the Haw...
You can take it from me, the Montreal Quebecois will be a fast, productive, aggressive and exciting team in the National Lacrosse League. A numbe...
by Phil JohnstonThe National Lacrosse League is here, but whether it’s here to stay only time will tell. The pessimists among us take every oppor...
According to quite a few lacrosse experts, I understand that Rochester was considered to have made some rather unorthodox selections. My only- an...
By PAUL ATTNER Washington Post John McKenna is outgoing. "I talk a lot,” he says.Jerry McKenná is easy going. "He kind of floats along," says his...
By FRANK BILOVSKY :Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Some rambling reflections on the National Lacrosse League's first season in the wake of the Wing...