GEORGE GROSS Sports Editor, Toronto Sun Those who remember John Ferguson as the tough guy who used to patrol left wing for Montreal Canadiens, ma...
Toronto Tomahawks
PHIL JOHNSON of the Toronto Sun In hockey it was Jacques (Jake the Snake) Plante, then with the all-powerful Montreal Canadiens, who discarded th...
by Phil Johnson, Toronto SunThere's a red and white blur as Toronto Tomahawks' goaltender Bob McCready scoops up a ball and arcs his oversized st...
JIM PROUDFOOT Sports Editor, Toronto Star Jim Bishop describes lacrosse as the next major spectator sport and exposure to his eloquence of any le...
by PHIL JOHNSON Box lacrosse and hockey have numerous similarities. There are six men a side in each sport, lacrosse is played on the same ...
It was an icy day in March and the first player draft in the history of the newly formed National Lacrosse League was going on at the traditional...